Hi there, super parent! I'm Rebecca Gladstone; a board-certified music therapist and the proud owner of Gladly Music in Miami. In my years of private practice, I've connected with incredible families and individuals, especially those with children facing behavioral challenges like autism and ADHD.

Listening to parents' common concerns – the desire for more affordable and consistent music therapy, the struggle to juggle various therapies, and the difficulty in finding local music therapists – resonated deeply with me. I've poured my heart into accommodating schedules, providing reasonable rates, and offering guidance.

Yet, I couldn't shake the feeling that more could be done. That's when the lightbulb moment struck – what if I worked directly with parents? After all, they are a child's most reliable role models.

(insert drum roll here)

enter…notefully nurtured ™️

This isn't just about weekly therapy sessions; it's about finding a long term solution.


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